Available Calcuttas
Learn more about each available Calcutta below.
Single Largest Fish
Single Largest Fish
Your best entry in the tournament per boat.
$25 Level -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
$50 Level -- 1st and 2nd place
$100 -- 1st place
$200 -- 1st place
Two Fish
Two Fish
Determined by total weight of a maximum of (2) fish (best entry).
$25 Level -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
$50 Level -- 1st and 2nd place
$100 Level -- 1st place
$200 Level -- 1st place

Determined by total weight of a maximum of (3) fish (best entries).
$25 Level -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
$50 Level -- 1st and 2nd place
$100 Level -- 1st place
$200 Level -- 1st place
3 Fish Calcutta
Four Fish
Four Fish
Determined by total weight of a maximum of (4) fish (best entries).
$25 Level -- 1st, 2nd, 3rd place
$50 Level -- 1st and 2nd place
$100 Level -- 1st place
$200 Level -- 1st place
Catch N'
Catch N'
$500 minimum payout
Anglers are required to photograph their fish on a ruler AND enter the length and time on the form provided.
Only fish 19" and up will count.
*Payout with 15 entries.
(15 and under)
(15 and under)
Single largest fish.
Any boat fishing with children (15 and under) will be required to enter the Kids Calcutta.
Children registered in the Kids Calcutta cannot compete in the overall tournament, unless they want to register as a regular Angler.
Top 3 Places pays a minimum of $500
Single largest fish.
Can be part of the main entry.
One winner.
Mid Shore Fishing Club - Open to All
Mid Shore Fishing Club - Open to All
Single largest fish.
Pays 50% of the pot.
50% donated to the Clint Waters Scholarship Fund.
One winner.
Last Place
Last Place
Our most popular Calcutta.
The smallest legal fish by weight.
One winner.
Early Bird (Free)
Early Bird (Free)
Single largest fish.
You can only win one category.
Best entry must have been registered by October 17, 2020 at 5 pm.
$250 Prize
May-Craft Boats (Free)
May-Craft Boats (Free)
Sponsored by Gootee's Marine.
Registered Captain's boat must be fishing on a May-Craft manufactured boat.
Single largest fish.
(1) Winner
$250 Prize
Key West
Boats (Free)
Key West
Boats (Free)
Sponsored by Gootee's Marine.
Registered Captain's boat must be fishing on a Key West manufactured boat.
Single largest fish.
(1) Winner
$500 Prize
Yamaha Outboards (Free)
Yamaha Outboards (Free)
Sponsored by Gootee's Marine.
Registered Captain's boat must be fishing on a Yamaha manufactured outboard.
Single largest fish.
(1) Winner
$500 Prize
G3 Boats
Sponsored by Gootee's Marine.
Registered Captain's boat must be fishing on a G3 manufactured aluminum skiff.
Single largest fish.
(1) Winner
$250 Prize